Residents should be aware that emergency landings and accidents on small aircrafts happen frequently, but we seldom hear about them as they usually do not make it to "headline" news. News on emergency landings and accidents of such planes are normally reported as local news and scattered all over Canada and the Globe. You will start to notice some of these accidents once your pay attention. Following are some actual events of emergency landings incurred by small aircrafts, but they by no mean represent a complete picture of all the accidents happened in Buttonville, Canada or North America. The facts given here just to show that accidents do happen and that we may not even be aware of them and that a high percentage of aircraft accidents happen during airport take off or landing.
2 May 2009 17:16 Plane crashes into portable toilets
The Cessna 182 suffered apparent engine failure after taking off from Thun Field airfield south-east of Tacoma in Washington state. As it fell, the plane hit a fence, flipped upside down and landed on toilets being stored near the runway by the Northwest Cascade company.
22 April 2009 16:39 Plane's forced landing on US street
The passenger of a small plane in the US filmed its emergency landing after its engine cut out above a main road.
April 22, 2009 NIAGARA COUNTY: Plane makes forced landing
Staff Reports: The Tonawanda News
A small plane originating in Lindsey, Ontario, made a precautionary landing in a wheat field on the east side of the Cambria-Lockport Townline Road at 11 a.m. Wednesday.
15 April 2009 22:14 Plane lands in school playground
A light aircraft has made an emergency landing in a school playground in the US state of Arizona. The plane came down at Villa de Paz Elementary School in Avondale after developing an engine problem.
05 Apr ‘09 SATSAir Plane Makes Forced Landing On FL Street
Pilot and Two Passengers Okay After Interrupted Charter Flight. According to WWSB-7 reports, North Port Fire Department officials said the plane came down shortly before 7 pm after its engine lost power.
23 March 2009 Scene of Montana plane crash
US officials have launched an inquiry into the cause of a plane crash in Montana that killed 14 people, including seven children. The light aircraft nosedived into a cemetery near the town of Butte on Sunday. There were no survivors.
Update: Transportation Safety Board of Canada Investigation into Cougar Helicopter Sikorsky S92-A Crash
(Gatineau, Quebec, March 24, 2009) - Following the Transportation Safety Board of Canada's (TSB) March 20th discovery of a broken main gearbox filter bowl assembly mounting stud on the Cougar Helicopters Sikorsky S92 A, more than half of the Sikorsky S92 A helicopters worldwide have had the defective studs replaced.
Planes makes emergency landing on highway
- By BRETT CLARKSON – Sun Media (The Toronto Sun)
A single engine plane bearing the markings of Seneca College in Toronto made an emergency landing on the Northway in North Hudson, N.Y., on Wednesday, September 03, 2008. Michael Denning along with two third-year students were making a routine training flight from Markham's Buttonville Airport to Burlington, Vt., when a clicking noise began in the engine. It was followed by a loud bang. He radioed Burlington airport about his potentially catastrophic situation. "We are experiencing a possible power loss and we're going to have to put it down on the road," Denning told the control tower. The men quickly realized they needed to find a place to land, Denning said. "We looked around for the most suitable landing site and we had trees, water or road to go for," he said. During the approach, the plane's engine cut out entirely, turning the aircraft into a glider, he said. The plane flew in about 15 metres over two trucks before landing. "As soon as (the drivers) saw the airplane they naturally stopped, which helped us out because it blocked traffic."
July 7, 2008 – Yesterday, a pilot, reportedly an Ottawa-area man in his 60s, was killed after a crash at Lake Simcoe Regional Airport, on the 7th Line of Oro-Medonte Township, north of Barrie. Police believe the pilot was attempting a landing when the plane crashed, killing him.
July 07, 2008 10:28 AM Joe Fantauzzi, Staff Writer
At about 11:50 p.m., a student pilot from London was on a night cross-country flight with a pilot instructor and a passenger in a Cessna 172 when he failed to negotiate the landing, resulting in a “substantial impact”, York Regional Police spokesperson Const. Gary Phillips said. “He was doing his landing — his instrument flight readings,” Const. Phillips said, “When he was coming in, he had somewhat of a rough landing.” The plane took a substantial impact to its main and nose gear as well as structural damage after hitting the ground in the area of a runway that runs parallel to Hwy. 404, Const. Phillips added. The crash landing at Buttonville was the second high-profile incident involving an out-of-control plane over the weekend.
April 25, 2008 02:11 PM Sean Pearce, Staff Writer
A small plane made an emergency landing in a King field yesterday. The Cessna, which took off from Buttonville Airport in Markham, was flying over King when the plane encountered mechanical difficulties, York Regional Police Const. Gary Phillips said. “The pilot was doing some solo work as part of his flight training,” he said. “He experienced some engine trouble, the engine stopped and he was able to safely put the plane down in a field.” Still, things could have gone very differently according to resident Alan Bray. He said the aircraft narrowly missed colliding with power lines running through the property. “He was lucky,” he said. “He almost hit those high tension wires.”
April 17, 2008 10:49 PM Joe Fantauzzi
A Piper Aztec with two pilots on board running a commercial operation ran into an issue earlier in the day when its front nose gear, used for landing, would not drop down. After discovering the malfunction, the pilot circled the plane over Lake Ontario, reportedly trying to burn off fuel before attempting a landing.
Aviation Reports - 2008 – A08Q0054
Aviation Investigation Report: 19 March 2008. The Bell 206B III helicopter (registration C-GBKX, serial number 2676) was departing Réservoir Gouin, Quebec, on a private visual flight rules flight to the pilot's cottage located 42 nautical miles to the east-southeast. Shortly after take-off, at 0837 eastern daylight time, the aircraft struck the frozen, snow-covered surface of the lake. The pilot, the sole occupant on board, was fatally injured. The helicopter was destroyed.
Aviation Reports – 2003 – A0300285
Aviation Investigation Report: Engine Power Loss and Forced Landing,Toronto Airways Limited,Cessna 172N C-GZLJ,Toronto/Buttonville Municipal Airport 2 nm SSE,Toronto, Ontario,09 October 2003.
At approximately 1300 eastern daylight time, the Toronto Airways Limited Cessna 172N aircraft (registration C-GZLJ, serial number 17269614) departed from the Toronto/Buttonville Municipal Airport on a sightseeing flight over Toronto, Ontario. The pilot and three passengers were on board. Before take-off, an engine ground run revealed no anomalies. The pilot applied full power for the take-off, climbed to an altitude of 2000 feet above sea level (1300 to 1400 feet above ground), levelled off, and selected the Toronto/City Centre Airport tower radio frequency. Shortly after that, the engine (Lycoming O-320-H2AD) began to lose power. The pilot informed the tower of the power loss and the intention to return to the Toronto/Buttonville Municipal Airport. Trying to regain power, the pilot ensured that full throttle was selected, checked the positions of the primer and magnetos, and switched fuel tanks. When these attempts were unsuccessful, the pilot selected the carburettor heat to the hot position, observed a further decrease in engine power, and reset the carburettor heat to the cold position. The engine was not producing enough power to maintain level flight and return to the airport, so the pilot searched for a suitable location for a forced landing. The aircraft was over a densely populated area, and the only suitable clearing was surrounded with trees and nearby buildings. The engine lost power on final approach. The pilot selected the flaps to the full-down position, overflew the clearing, and stalled the aircraft into the trees. The aircraft was substantially damaged and one passenger received minor injuries.
AVIATION REPORTS - 2001 - A01O0099
Aviation Investigation Report: Loss of Control - Collision with Terrain, Canadian Helicopters Limited, Robinson R22 Beta (Helicopter) C-GVAR, Toronto / Buttonville Municipal Airport, Ontario, 10 nm NW, 04 April 2001
The Robinson R22 Beta helicopter, serial number 2110, with an instructor and one student pilot on board, was on a day visual flight rules training flight 20 nautical miles north of the Toronto / Buttonville Municipal Airport, Ontario. After 45 minutes of practicing autorotations, the student was flying the helicopter back to the airport. At 1700 feet above ground level, the instructor simulated an engine failure. The student selected a field and executed a forced approach. At 40 feet above ground level, he began to flare the helicopter by moving the cyclic aft. As the descent continued, the helicopter was approaching tall trees at the end of the field, and the student pulled up hard on the collective. At that time, the instructor opened the throttle to initiate a recovery; however, the engine rotor rpm was low, and the engine did not respond. The descent could not be arrested, and the aircraft struck the ground. The tip of the left skid dug into the semi-frozen ground, and the helicopter pivoted forward onto its right side. Both pilots evacuated through the left door of the aircraft. Neither pilot was injured, although the helicopter was substantially damaged.
These documents are the final versions of occurrence investigation reports as approved by the Transportation Safety Board. The TSB assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have been transmitted with the electronic versions. The printed versions of the documents stand as the official record.
Order reports by : Occurence Date Report Number
09 January 2007 — Landing Short of Runway, Peace Air Ltd., British Aerospace Jetstream 3112 C-FBIP, Fort St. John, British ColumbiaReport Number A07W0005 HTML PDF [302 Kb]
01 July 2007 — Power Loss - Collision With Water, Expedition Helicopters Inc., Eurocopter AS 350 B-2 C-FLUK, Bernick Lake, SaskatchewanReport Number A07C0114 HTML PDF [576 Kb]
11 August 2007 — Hard Landing - Fuel Leak and Fire, Sundance Balloons International, FireFly 12B (Hot Air Balloon) C-FNVM, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 15 nm NEReport Number A07C0151 HTML PDF [289 Kb]
These documents are the final versions of occurrence investigation reports as approved by the Transportation Safety Board. The TSB assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have been transmitted with the electronic versions. The printed versions of the documents stand as the official record.
Order reports by : Occurence Date Report Number
05 January 2006 — In-Flight Engine Fire, Buffalo Airways Limited, Douglas C-54G-DC (DC-4) C-GXKN, Norman Wells, Northwest Territories (CYVQ)Report Number A06W0002 HTML PDF [338 Kb]
21 January 2006 — Engine Power Loss - Forced Landing, Sonicblue Airways, Cessna 208B (Caravan) C-GRXZ, Port Alberni, British Columbia, 11 nm SSEReport Number A06P0010 HTML PDF [229 Kb]
30 January 2006 — Misaligned Take-off, Air Canada, Airbus A319-114 C-FYKR, Las Vegas, NevadaReport Number A06F0014 HTML PDF [621 Kb]
08 March 2006 — Runway Overrun-Collision with Terrain, Orca Airways Ltd., Piper PA-31-350 Chieftain C-GNAY, Powell River, British ColumbiaReport Number A06P0036 HTML PDF [180 Kb]
21 March 2006 — Airframe Failure and Collision with Terrain, Rupert's Land Operations Inc., McDonnell Douglas MD600N C-FTAZ, Zama Lake, Alberta, 25 nm NWReport Number A06W0041 HTML PDF [268 Kb]
14 May 2006 — Loss of Control on Go-Around (Rejected Landing), Saskatchewan Government, Northern Air Operations, Convair 580A Air Tanker C-GSKJ, La Ronge, SaskatchewanReport Number A06C0062 HTML
07 June 2006 — Engine Failure, Héli Star Inc., Bell 206L-3 Helicopter C-GDTM, La Tuque, Quebec, 26 nm NEReport Number A06Q0091 HTML PDF [231 Kb]
03 July 2006 — Loss of Control and Collision with Terrain, Precision Helicopters Inc., Bell 206B C-GPGX (Helicopter), Nose Mountain Tower, AlbertaReport Number A06W0104 HTML PDF [568 Kb]
04 July 2006 — Dynamic Rollover, Remote Helicopters (NWT) Ltd., Bell 206B (Helicopter) C-GRHM, Wabasca, Alberta, 23 nm NEReport Number A06W0106 HTML PDF [168 Kb]
08 July 2006 — Loss of Control and Collision with Terrain, Aviation Mauricie, Cessna U206F (Floatplane) C-FMGP, Pasteur Lake, QuebecReport Number A06Q0114 HTML PDF [591 Kb]
11 July 2006 — Loss of Control - Collision with Ground, Piper PA-34-200T (Seneca II) C-GOLY, Edson, AlbertaReport Number A06W0111 HTML PDF [291 Kb]
04 August 2006 — Aviation Investigation Report, Mid-Air Collision, Between Cessna 172P C-GFGD, and Cessna 182T C-GCHN, Caledon, Ontario, 1 nm WReport Number A06O0206 HTML PDF [638 Kb]
07 August 2006 — Collision with Terrain, Tweedsmuir Air Services Ltd., Cessna A185F CF-BUO, Mount Downton, British ColumbiaReport Number A06P0157 HTML PDF [158 Kb]
16 August 2006 — Loss of Control and Collision with Terrain, North-Wright Airways Ltd., Cessna 337C Skymaster C-FWHP, Fort Good Hope, Northwest Territories, 23 nm EReport Number A06W0139 HTML PDF [307 Kb]
10 September 2006 — Engine Failure, Cessna 172M C-FFRV, Montréal, QuebecReport Number A06Q0157 HTML PDF [181 Kb]
17 September 2006 — Collision with Terrain, VariViggen (Amateur-built/Experimental) N106VV, Plaster Rock, New Brunswick, 8 nm EReport Number A06A0092 HTML PDF [160 Kb]
24 September 2006 — Loss of Control - In-flight Breakup, Heli-Lift International Inc., Bell 204B C-GSHK, Stony Rapids, Saskatchewan, 22 nm SWReport Number A06C0154 HTML PDF [160 Kb]
18 October 2006 — Loss of Electrical Power, Propair Inc., Beechcraft King Air 100 C-GJLP, Montréal/St-Hubert Airport, QuebecReport Number A06Q0180 HTML PDF [734 Kb]
19 October 2006 — Flight in Weather Conditions, Unfavourable for Visual Flight and, Collision with Terrain, Aviation Mauricie/Aviation Bastican, Cessna U206F (Floatplane) C-FASO Caron Lake, QuebecReport Number A06Q0181 HTML PDF [130 Kb]
These documents are the final versions of occurrence investigation reports as approved by the Transportation Safety Board. The TSB assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have been transmitted with the electronic versions. The printed versions of the documents stand as the official record.
Order reports by : Occurence Date Report Number
02 January 2005 — Engine Failure-Fuel Starvation, Air Canada, Boeing 767-375, C-FCAG, Santiago, Chile, 180 nm NorthReport Number A05F0001 HTML PDF [137 Kb]
19 January 2005 — Control Difficulty due to Airframe Icing, Northern Thunderbird Air Inc., Beechcraft King Air 200 C-FCGL, Kelowna, British Columbia, 80 nm NEReport Number A05P0018 HTML PDF [81 Kb]
20 January 2005 — Failure to Remain on the Runway, (Rejected Landing), Jetsgo McDonnell Douglas DC-9-83 C-FRYH, Calgary International Airport, AlbertaReport Number A05W0010 HTML PDF [202 Kb]
24 January 2005 — Collision with Terrain, Eurocopter AS 350 BA (Helicopter) C-FHBG, La Grande-4, Quebec, 60 nm SEReport Number A05Q0008 HTML PDF [321 Kb]
06 February 2005 — Hydraulic Flight Control Malfunction, Vancouver Island Helicopters, Eurocopter AS 350 B2 (Helicopter) C-GNMJ, Kamarang, GuyanaReport Number A05F0025 HTML PDF [1,017 Kb]
11 February 2005 — Settling with Power - Roll-Over , Tasman Helicopters Ltd., Bell 212 (Helicopter) C-GEEC, Spearhead Glacier, British ColumbiaReport Number A05P0032 HTML PDF [337 Kb]
21 February 2005 — Landing Beside the Runway, Scott Aviation, Hawker Siddeley HS 125-600A N21SA, Bromont Airport, QuebecReport Number A05Q0024 HTML PDF [708 Kb]
24 February 2005 — Dual Engine Power Loss and Hard Landing, Vancouver Island Helicopters Ltd., Bell 212 (Helicopter) C-FWDV, Blue River, British ColumbiaReport Number A05P0038 HTML PDF [87 Kb]
06 March 2005 — Loss of Rudder in Flight, Air Transat, Airbus A310-308 C-GPAT, Miami, Florida, 90 nm SReport Number A05F0047 HTML PDF [1,720 Kb]
12 April 2005 — Component Failure, Wing-to-fuselage Attach Angle, Bradley Air Services Ltd. (First Air), Lockheed L382G Hercules C-GHPW, Vicinity of High Lake, NunavutReport Number A05W0059 HTML PDF [267 Kb]
22 April 2005 — In-Flight Fire, Navair Charter, Inc., Piper PA-31-350 C-GVCP, 19 Wing Comox, British ColumbiaReport Number A05P0080 HTML PDF [320 Kb]
07 May 2005 — Tail-Rotor Strike (External Load) - Loss of Control, Transport Canada, MBB BO 105 Helicopter C-GCHX, Bella Bella, British ColumbiaReport Number A05P0103 HTML PDF [311 Kb]
27 May 2005 — Stall and Loss of Control During Climb, Provincial Airlines Limited, de Havilland DHC-8-100 C-GZKH, St. John's, Newfoundland and LabradorReport Number A05A0059 HTML PDF [635 Kb]
02 June 2005 — Misrigged Elevator Trim Tabs, Flight Options LLC, Raytheon/Hawker 800XP N829LX, Toronto/Lester B. Pearson International, Airport, OntarioReport Number A05O0112 HTML PDF [418 Kb]
07 June 2005 — Loss of Oil Pressure on Two Engines, Cascade Aerospace Inc., Bombardier DHC-8-402 C-FBAM, Tofino, British Columbia, 5 nm WReport Number A05P0132 HTML PDF [128 Kb]
09 June 2005 — Aircraft Control Difficulty, Government of Canada Department of Transport, Cessna TU206G C-FIHV, Hamilton, OntarioReport Number A05O0120 HTML PDF [161 Kb]
10 June 2005 — Main Rotor Blade Failure, Tasman Helicopters Ltd., Bell 212 (Helicopter) C-GNHX, Richards Landing, OntarioReport Number A05O0115 HTML PDF [272 Kb]
10 June 2005 — Inadvertent Stick Shaker at High Altitude, Air Canada Jazz, Bombardier CRJ705 C-FBJZ, Lethbridge, Alberta, 41 nm SE (COUTS Intersection)Report Number A05W0109 HTML PDF [623 Kb]
15 June 2005 — In-Flight Engine Shutdown, Cascade Aerospace Inc., Bombardier DHC-8-402 C-FBAM, Abbotsford, British Columbia, 15 nm NReport Number A05P0137 HTML PDF [153 Kb]
18 June 2005 — Hard Landing - Aircraft Overturned, Stinson 108-1 C-FEXL, Burntwood River Seaplane Base, Thompson, ManitobaReport Number A05C0109 HTML PDF [529 Kb]
19 June 2005 — Air Proximity - Safety Not Assured, NAV CANADA, Abbotsford Tower/Vancouver Area Control Centre, Abbotsford International Airport,, British Columbia, 2 nm SReport Number A05P0143 HTML PDF [207 Kb]
24 June 2005 — Power Loss, Robinson R22 Beta Helicopter C-FQDQ, Courtenay, British Columbia, 10 nm NReport Number A05P0154 HTML PDF [95 Kb]
24 June 2005 — Incorrect Loading / Centre of Gravity, Air Tindi Ltd., de Havilland DHC-3T C-FXUY, Yellowknife - East Bay, Northwest TerritoriesReport Number A05W0127 HTML PDF [89 Kb]
25 June 2005 — Power Loss and Collision with Terrain, Progressive Aerodyne SeaRey C-GCWR, Oshawa Airport, OntarioReport Number A05O0125 HTML PDF [498 Kb]
06 July 2005 — Collision with Terrain, B. Allison Flying Services, Piper PA-18 C-FJYS, Andrew, Alberta 9 nm WReport Number A05W0137 HTML PDF [117 Kb]
10 July 2005 — In-Flight Collision, Between, Waco UPF-7 N2369Q and, Wolf-Samson N985PW, Moose Jaw, SaskatchewanReport Number A05C0123 HTML PDF [412 Kb]
10 July 2005 — Difficulty to Control, Gateway Helicopters Ltd., Bell 204B C-GRGY, Sudbury, OntarioReport Number A05O0142 HTML PDF [189 Kb]
16 July 2005 — Collision with Water, Héli-Express Inc., Bell 205 A-1 Helicopter C-GADA, Solitude Lake, QuebecReport Number A05Q0119 HTML PDF [347 Kb]
18 July 2005 — Engine Power Loss, Stanton Mackenzie Flying Services Inc., Cessna 185F C-GAXK, CNJ4 (Mara) Orillia, Ontario, 5 nm EReport Number A05O0146 HTML PDF [180 Kb]
18 July 2005 — Collision with Water, Cessna A185F Seaplane C-FHOP, Constance Lake, OntarioReport Number A05O0147 HTML PDF [145 Kb]
28 July 2005 — Collision with Terrain, Northern Thunderbird Air, Raytheon Beechcraft King Air 200 C-FCGL, Shovelnose Creek, British ColumbiaReport Number A05P0189 HTML PDF [500 Kb]
02 August 2005 — Runway Overrun and Fire, Air France, Airbus A340-313 F-GLZQ, Toronto/Lester B. Pearson International, Airport, OntarioReport Number A05H0002 HTML PDF [4,677 Kb]
02 August 2005 — Loss of Control, Quantum Helicopters, MD Helicopters MD500D C-GWPQ, Terrace, British Columbia, 35 nm NWReport Number A05P0184 HTML PDF [149 Kb]
09 August 2005 — Loss of Separation, NAV CANADA, Edmonton Area Control Centre, Nunavut Sector, Hall Beach, Nunavut, 135 nm NWReport Number A05C0153 HTML PDF [860 Kb]
09 August 2005 — Loss of Control, Lancair IV-P N750F, Sundre, Alberta, 8 nm SEReport Number A05W0160 HTML PDF [137 Kb]
22 August 2005 — Controlled Flight into Terrain, Cessna 180H C-FYIX, Mount Burns, AlbertaReport Number A05W0176 HTML PDF [189 Kb]
01 September 2005 — Flight into Adverse Weather - Collision with Terrain, NordPlus 1998 Ltée, de Havilland DHC-2 Beaver C-FODG, Schefferville, Quebec 20 nm NWReport Number A05Q0157 HTML PDF [972 Kb]
10 September 2005 — Aircraft Loss of Control - Collision with Terrain, Great Lakes Gliding Corporation, Pezetel SZD-50-3 Puchacz Glider C-FLCK, Loretto, OntarioReport Number A05O0204 HTML PDF [90 Kb]
17 September 2005 — Engine Power Loss Leading to Loss of Control, Enstrom 280C (Helicopter) C-FKEO, Duncan, British ColumbiaReport Number A05P0227 HTML PDF [306 Kb]
28 September 2005 — Power Loss - Mechanical Malfunction, HeliQwest Aviation Inc., Bell 205A1 N205HQ, Tumbler Ridge, British Columbia, 21 nm SEReport Number A05W0205 HTML PDF [245 Kb]
29 September 2005 — Capsizing at Take-off, Aviation Wheelair, Cessna 185 Seaplane C-FYZC, Lac Ouimet, QuebecReport Number A05Q0178 HTML PDF [261 Kb]
30 September 2005 — Controlled Flight Into Terrain, Wabusk Air, Piper PA-31 Navajo C-GKMW, Kashechewan, OntarioReport Number A05O0225 HTML PDF [446 Kb]
06 October 2005 — Loss of Control and Collision with Terrain, Morningstar Air Express Inc., Cessna 208B Caravan C-FEXS, Winnipeg, ManitobaReport Number A05C0187 HTML PDF [1,347 Kb]
26 October 2005 — Helicopter Roll-over - Glassy Water, Far West Helicopters, Bell Helicopter 206B C-GCQT, Devils Lake, British ColumbiaReport Number A05P0262 HTML PDF [85 Kb]
30 October 2005 — Engine Torching, Alaska Airlines Inc., Boeing 737-900 N317AS, Calgary International Airport, AlbertaReport Number A05W0222 HTML PDF [373 Kb]
03 November 2005 — In-Flight Break-up, Helifor Industries Limited, Boeing Vertol BV-107 II (Helicopter C-GHFT, South Bentinck Arm, British ColumbiaReport Number A05P0269 HTML PDF [330 Kb]
05 November 2005 — Tree Impact Without Loss of Control, Grondair, Cessna 172M C-GPUL, Saint-Honoré-de-Beauce, QuebecReport Number A05Q0208 HTML PDF [545 Kb]
15 November 2005 — Runway Overrun, Jetport Inc., Gulfstream 100 C-FHRL, Hamilton Airport, OntarioReport Number A05O0257 HTML PDF [642 Kb]
20 November 2005 — Loss of Control-Collision with Terrain, Ryan Aeronautical Navion B C-FTRM, Brantford, OntarioReport Number A05O0258 HTML PDF [342 Kb]
07 December 2005 — Collision with Water, Transport Canada Aircraft Services, MBB BO105 (Helicopter) C-GGGC, Marystown, Newfoundland and Labrador,, 2.5 nm EReport Number A05A0155 HTML PDF [589 Kb]
19 December 2005 — Loss of Separation, NAV CANADA, Edmonton Area Control Centre-La Biche Sector, Edmonton, Alberta, 70 nm NReport Number A05W0248 HTML PDF [162 Kb]
20 December 2005 — Engine Failure - Descent into Terrain, Nav Air Charter Inc., Mitsubishi MU-2B-36 C-FTWO, Terrace, British ColumbiaReport Number A05P0298 HTML PDF [163 Kb]
25 December 2005 — Wing Contact with Runway During Landing, WestJet Airlines, Boeing 737-700 C-GWJF, Halifax International Airport, Nova ScotiaReport Number A05A0161 HTML PDF [291 Kb]
26 December 2005 — Runway Excursion, Air Canada, Airbus A319-112 C-GJTC, Winnipeg International Airport, ManitobaReport Number A05C0222 HTML PDF [297 Kb]
These documents are the final versions of occurrence investigation reports as approved by the Transportation Safety Board. The TSB assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have been transmitted with the electronic versions. The printed versions of the documents stand as the official record.
Order reports by : Occurence Date Report Number
13 January 2004 — Loss of Separation, NAV CANADA, Montréal Area Control Centre - La Grande Sector, La Grande, Quebec 160 nm SSWReport Number A04Q0003 HTML PDF [177 Kb]
15 January 2004 — Loss of Directional Control and Runway Excursion, Bearskin Lake Air Service Ltd., Fairchild SA227-AC, C-FYAG, Dryden Regional Airport, OntarioReport Number A04C0016 HTML PDF [88 Kb]
17 January 2004 — Loss of Control , Georgian Express Ltd., Cessna 208B Caravan C-FAGA, Pelee Island, OntarioReport Number A04H0001 HTML PDF [2,164 Kb]
19 January 2004 — Nosewheel Axle Failure, Air Canada, Airbus A321-211, C-GJWI, Toronto/Lester B. Pearson International Airport, Toronto, OntarioReport Number A04O0016 HTML PDF [498 Kb]
26 January 2004 — Aircraft Pitch-Up/Stall Warning on Departure, Air Canada, Boeing 767-233 C-GAUE, Toronto/Lester B. Pearson International Airport, Toronto, OntarioReport Number A04O0020 HTML PDF [250 Kb]
20 February 2004 — In-flight Breakup, Bear Creek Contracting Ltd., Robinson R22 (Helicopter) C-FILW, Kumealon Inlet, British ColumbiaReport Number A04P0033 HTML PDF [136 Kb]
25 February 2004 — Landing Beside the Runway, Bradley Air Services Ltd. (First Air), Boeing 737-210C C-GNWN, Edmonton International Airport, AlbertaReport Number A04W0032 HTML PDF [209 Kb]
29 February 2004 — Collision with Water, Lake LA-4-200 Buccaneer, C-GHJE, Fraser River near Ruskin, British ColumbiaReport Number A04P0041 HTML PDF [73 Kb]
03 March 2004 — Risk of Collision on the Runway, NAV CANADA, Vancouver Tower, Vancouver International Airport, British ColumbiaReport Number A04P0047 HTML PDF [150 Kb]
04 March 2004 — Loss of Visual Reference - Collision with Terrain, Standard Ag Helicopters, Bell 206B Jet Ranger Helicopter C-FIHL, Swift Current, Saskatchewan 4 nm SWReport Number A04C0051 HTML PDF [74 Kb]
08 March 2004 — Separation of Main Rotor on Runup, Hélicraft 2000 Inc., Schweizer 269C-1 (Helicopter) C-FZQF, Saint-Hubert, QuebecReport Number A04Q0026 HTML PDF [277 Kb]
12 March 2004 — In-flight Collision Between, Canadian Fishing Company, Cessna 185, C-GGBT and, Corilair Charters Ltd Cessna 185, C-GTNE, Nanaimo, British Columbia 20 nm N (Nanoose Bay)Report Number A04P0057 HTML PDF [68 Kb]
20 March 2004 — In-flight Breakup / Collision With Terrain, Baby Belle (Helicopter-Amateur Built) C-FZQN, Ralph, SaskatchewanReport Number A04C0064 HTML PDF [207 Kb]
31 March 2004 — Control Difficulty, Air Canada Jazz, DHC-8-300 C-GABP, Québec/Jean Lesage International Airport, QuebecReport Number A04Q0041 HTML PDF [77 Kb]
07 April 2004 — Risk of Collision, NAV CANADA, London International Airport 5 nm N, London, OntarioReport Number A04O0092 HTML PDF [363 Kb]
08 April 2004 — Loss of Control / Parachute System Descent, Cirrus Design SR20 C-GEMC, Mount O'Leary, British ColumbiaReport Number A04P0110 HTML PDF [123 Kb]
19 April 2004 — Runway Excursion, Myrand Aviation Inc., Beechcraft A100 C-FMAI, Chibougamau/Chapais Airport, QuebecReport Number A04Q0049 HTML PDF [327 Kb]
22 April 2004 — Aircraft Stall During Instrument Approach, Grant Executive Jets Inc., Raytheon B300 (Super King Air) C-GEJE, Timmins, OntarioReport Number A04O0103 HTML PDF [349 Kb]
28 April 2004 — In-Flight Power Loss, Vancouver Island Helicopters Ltd., Bell 206L C-FVIX (Helicopter), Tasu Creek, British ColumbiaReport Number A04P0142 HTML PDF [609 Kb]
05 May 2004 — Air Proximity - Safety Not Assured, NAV CANADA, Vancouver Tower/Area Control Centre, Vancouver International Airport,, British Columbia, 4 nm SReport Number A04P0153 HTML PDF [130 Kb]
08 May 2004 — Loss of Control, Cessna 305A C-GYHF, Thetis Island, British ColumbiaReport Number A04P0158 HTML PDF [611 Kb]
15 May 2004 — Main Rotor Overspeed - Difficult to Control, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Eurocopter AS350-B3 C-FMPH, Tabusintac, New Brunswick 2 nm EReport Number A04A0050 HTML PDF [73 Kb]
18 May 2004 — Loss of Control and Collision with Terrain, Pickerel Arm Camps, de Havilland DHC-2 Mark I Beaver C-GQHT, Fawcett Lake, OntarioReport Number A04C0098 HTML PDF [77 Kb]
28 May 2004 — Wing Scrape During a Rejected Landing, Cargojet Airways Limited, Boeing 727-225 C-GCJB, Greater Moncton International Airport, Moncton, New BrunswickReport Number A04A0057 HTML PDF [210 Kb]
07 June 2004 — Upset on Water Landing, Big River Air Ltd., Cessna A185F Seaplane C-GVYE, Taltson River (Ferguson's Cabin) , Northwest TerritoriesReport Number A04W0114 HTML PDF [152 Kb]
11 June 2004 — Engine Power Loss, Quantum Helicopters Ltd., MD Helicopter (Hughes) 369D C-GWPQ, Bob Quinn Airstrip, British ColumbiaReport Number A04P0206 HTML PDF [382 Kb]
13 June 2004 — Risk of Collision, Between, Air Canada Airbus A320 C-FDRP, and, Pro Aviation Cessna 172 C-FGIM, Québec/Jean Lesage International Airport, QuebecReport Number A04Q0089 HTML PDF [167 Kb]
14 June 2004 — Collision with Water, de Havilland DHC-2 Mk 1 C-GJST, Gatineau, QuebecReport Number A04H0002 HTML PDF [193 Kb]
25 June 2004 — Blade Strike and Rollover, Highland Helicopters Ltd. , Eurocopter AS350 B2 (Helicopter) C-GSHH, Flourmill Volcano, British Columbia, 5 nm WReport Number A04P0240 HTML PDF [370 Kb]
14 July 2004 — Runway Overrun, US Airways Express, Embraer EMB-145LR N829HK, Ottawa/Macdonald Cartier International Airport,, OntarioReport Number A04O0188 HTML PDF [102 Kb]
18 July 2004 — Aerodynamic Stall and Loss Of Control, Bluenose Soaring Club, Schreder HP 18 (Amateur-Built Glider) C-GSTL, CCW4 Stanley Airport, Nova ScotiaReport Number A04A0079 HTML PDF [66 Kb]
05 August 2004 — Risk of Collision, NAV CANADA, Montréal Area Control Centre, 12 nm SW of Québec/Jean Lesage, International Airport, QuebecReport Number A04Q0124 HTML PDF [634 Kb]
13 August 2004 — Collision with Water, Robinson R-22 Beta (Helicopter) C-FHGH, McIvor Lake, British ColumbiaReport Number A04P0314 HTML PDF [120 Kb]
19 August 2004 — Collision with Terrain, Piper PA31-350 (Navajo) C-FTNS, Saint John Airport, New BrunswickReport Number A04A0099 HTML PDF [352 Kb]
26 August 2004 — Flight Into Adverse Weather - Collision with Terrain, Olds-Didsbury Flying Association, Piper PA-28-235 C-FYRJ, Ashern, Manitoba 15 nm SWReport Number A04C0162 HTML PDF [89 Kb]
31 August 2004 — Runway Excursion, Morningstar Air Express Inc., Boeing 727 C-GMSX, Greater Moncton International Airport,, New BrunswickReport Number A04A0110 HTML PDF [423 Kb]
31 August 2004 — Loss of Control - Collision with Terrain, Canadian Helicopters Limited, Aerospatiale AS-350D C-GVHB, Nain, Newfoundland and Labrador, 45 nm NWReport Number A04A0111 HTML PDF [621 Kb]
02 September 2004 — Flight Control Difficulties, Jazz Air Inc., de Havilland DHC-8-102 C-FGRP, Kingston, OntarioReport Number A04O0237 HTML PDF [196 Kb]
10 September 2004 — Navigation Deviation, Government of Canada, Department of Transport, Beech King Air C90A C-FGXH, Edmonton, AlbertaReport Number A04W0200 HTML PDF [191 Kb]
21 September 2004 — Landing Gear Collapse and Runway Excursion, Northern Dene Airways Ltd. (Norcanair), Fairchild SA-227-AC Metro III C-FIPW, La Ronge, SaskatchewanReport Number A04C0174 HTML PDF [402 Kb]
14 October 2004 — Reduced Power at Take-off and, Collision with Terrain, MK Airlines Limited, Boeing 747-244SF 9G-MKJ, Halifax International Airport, Nova ScotiaReport Number A04H0004 HTML PDF [2,168 Kb]
29 October 2004 — Risk of Collision, NAV CANADA, Vancouver International Airport,, British ColumbiaReport Number A04P0397 HTML PDF [150 Kb]
30 October 2004 — Collision with Terrain, Canadian Helicopters Limited, Bell 212 C-GMOH, Shepherd Bay, NunavutReport Number A04C0190 HTML PDF [98 Kb]
01 December 2004 — Runway Excursion on Landing, Aviation CMP Inc., Beech B300 (Super King Air) C-FMHD, Saint-Georges, QuebecReport Number A04Q0188 HTML PDF [551 Kb]
05 December 2004 — Collision With Terrain, Atlantic Aviation Academy Inc., Piper PA-28-140 Cherokee C-FYKS, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador 10 nm SWReport Number A04A0148 HTML PDF [131 Kb]
16 December 2004 — Rejected Landing - Collision with Terrain, Air Cargo Carriers, Inc., Short Brothers SD3-60 N748CC, Oshawa Municipal Airport, OntarioReport Number A04O0336 HTML PDF [162 Kb]
19 December 2004 — Landing Beside Runway, Aéropro, Piper PA-31-350 C-GBYL, Gaspé Airport, QuebecReport Number A04Q0196 HTML PDF [1,314 Kb]
24 December 2004 — Runway Excursion, Air Inuit Ltd., BE-A100 King Air C-GAIK, Kuujjuaq, QuebecReport Number A04Q0199 HTML PDF [431 Kb]
28 December 2004 — Drive-Belt Failure and Collision With Terrain, Flying Dog Helicopter LLC, Robinson R44 Raven II, N313AL (helicopter), Fairmont Hot Springs, British Columbia, 15 nm SWReport Number A04P0422 HTML PDF [116 Kb]
These documents are the final versions of occurrence investigation reports as approved by the Transportation Safety Board. The TSB assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have been transmitted with the electronic versions. The printed versions of the documents stand as the official record.
Order reports by : Occurence Date Report Number
11 January 2003 — Collision with Windrow, Labrador Airways Ltd., Beech 1900D C-GLHO, St. John's International Airport, Newfoundland and LabradorReport Number A03A0002 HTML PDF [208 Kb]
21 January 2003 — Loss of Control - Collision With Terrain, Province of Ontario, Ministry of Natural Resources, Eurocopter AS 350 B2 (Helicopter) C-GOGN, Mekatina, OntarioReport Number A03O0012 HTML PDF [5,217 Kb]
29 January 2003 — Collision with Terrain, Bearskin Lake Air Service, Beech 99 C-GHVI, Pikangikum, Ontario 2 nm NWReport Number A03C0029 HTML PDF [72 Kb]
02 February 2003 — Loss of Directional Control, Canjet Airlines, Boeing 737-200 C-FGCJ, Halifax International Airport, Nova ScotiaReport Number A03A0012 HTML PDF [112 Kb]
04 February 2003 — Fuel Starvation / Forced Landing, ComputaPlane Ltd., Cessna 188B N6606Q, Badger, Newfoundland and Labrador 19 nm WNWReport Number A03A0013 HTML PDF [75 Kb]
11 February 2003 — Runway Excursion, Skyservice Airlines Inc., Airbus A320-212 C-GJUP, Windsor, OntarioReport Number A03O0034 HTML PDF [327 Kb]
14 February 2003 — Loss of Control and Collision With Terrain, ComputaPlane Ltd., Cessna 210N, N104WF, Goose Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador, 5 nm EReport Number A03A0022 HTML PDF [179 Kb]
05 March 2003 — Communications Failure and Loss of Separation, NAV CANADA, Gander Area Control Centre, Gander, Newfoundland and LabradorReport Number A03H0001 HTML PDF [367 Kb]
11 March 2003 — In-Flight Engine Failure, WestJet Airlines, Boeing 737-200 C-FTWJ, Kelowna Airport, British ColumbiaReport Number A03P0054 HTML PDF [184 Kb]
13 March 2003 — Flight Control Malfunction, Government of Canada, Department of Transport, Beech King Air C90A C-FGXU, Dauphin, Manitoba 25 nm SWReport Number A03C0068 HTML PDF [607 Kb]
25 March 2003 — Spiral Dive - Collision with Terrain, Langley Flying School, Piper PA-28-140 C-GNUD, Langley Airport, British Columbia, 6 nm NEReport Number A03P0068 HTML PDF [79 Kb]
07 April 2003 — Stall/Spin and Collision with Terrain, Found Aircraft Canada Inc. FBA-2C1 Bush Hawk, C-GTUP, Lake Temagami, OntarioReport Number A03O0088 HTML PDF [160 Kb]
09 April 2003 — Loss of Control - Inadequate Rotor RPM, Trek Enterprises Inc., Robinson R44 Helicopter C-GRDI, Peace River, Alberta 10 nm SEReport Number A03W0074 HTML PDF [76 Kb]
23 April 2003 — Loss of Pitch Control and Collision With Terrain, Transwest Air Limited, Beech 99A, C-FDYF, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, 6 nm SWReport Number A03C0094 HTML PDF [291 Kb]
22 May 2003 — Engine Failure - Forced Landing, Whiteshell Air Service Ltd, de Havilland DHC-3 Otter C-GGON, Lac du Bonnet, Manitoba 2 nm EReport Number A03C0118 HTML PDF [125 Kb]
22 May 2003 — Risk of Collision, Between, Helijet International Incorporated, Sikorsky S-76A (Helicopter) C-GHJL , and, Harbour Air Ltd., de Havilland DHC-3 C-FRNO, Active Pass, British ColumbiaReport Number A03P0113 HTML PDF [332 Kb]
31 May 2003 — Controlled Flight Into Terrain, Fraser Valley Skydiving Centre Ltd., Cessna 182 C-GHKH, Chilliwack Airport, British Columbia 7.5 nm EReport Number A03P0133 HTML PDF [71 Kb]
05 June 2003 — Loss of Control on Water, Ministry of Natural Resources, de Havilland DHC-6-300 (Amphibious) C-GOGC, Lake Wicksteed, OntarioReport Number A03O0135 HTML PDF [471 Kb]
06 June 2003 — Engine Power Loss - Hard Landing and Rollover , Cariboo Chilcotin Helicopters Ltd., Bell 206B C-GPOS, Ward Creek, British ColumbiaReport Number A03P0136 HTML PDF [348 Kb]
18 June 2003 — Navigational Error-Fuel Shortage, Kelowna Flightcraft Air Charter Ltd., Convair 580 C-GKFJ, Gisborne, New Zealand 300 nm ESEReport Number A03F0114 HTML PDF [161 Kb]
24 June 2003 — Engine Failure and Forced Landing on Water, Mooney M20E C-GOEN, Wasaga Beach, Ontario 5 nm WSWReport Number A03O0156 HTML PDF [74 Kb]
26 June 2003 — Loss of Control and Collision with Terrain, Super Marine Aircraft Incorporated, Dromader PZL-M-18 C-GMVE, Buchans, Newfoundland and Labrador 25 nm SEReport Number A03A0076 HTML PDF [82 Kb]
04 July 2003 — Collision with Water, Héli-Star Inc., Bell 206 Jet Ranger (Helicopter) C-GNPI, Boucher Lake, QuebecReport Number A03Q0092 HTML PDF [408 Kb]
07 July 2003 — Controlled Flight into Terrain, Beech 58TC Baron, N6058T, Toronto City Centre Airport, Ontario, 3 nm SEReport Number A03O0171 HTML PDF [249 Kb]
13 July 2003 — Loss of Power - Mechanical Malfunction, Delta Helicopters Ltd., Bell 204B C-GTNP, Manning, Alberta 75 nm NEReport Number A03W0148 HTML PDF [296 Kb]
16 July 2003 — Collision with Terrain, Air Spray (1967) Ltd., Lockheed L-188 Electra C-GFQA, Cranbrook, British Columbia 2.5 nm southReport Number A03P0194 HTML PDF [1,671 Kb]
18 July 2003 — Collision with Terrain, Pacific Professional Visual Flight Training Ltd., Cessna 172M C-GDPD, Approximately 24 nm NNW of, Harrison Hot Springs, British ColumbiaReport Number A03P0199 HTML PDF [340 Kb]
26 July 2003 — Fuel Exhaustion and Forced Landing, Institut aéronautique de la Capitale, Cessna 172M C-GSZC, Québec, QuebecReport Number A03Q0109 HTML PDF [69 Kb]
05 August 2003 — Loss of Separation, NAV CANADA, Toronto Area Control Centre, Toronto, OntarioReport Number A03O0213 HTML PDF [227 Kb]
10 August 2003 — Collision with Terrain, Cessna 210A C-FNTH, Princeton, British ColumbiaReport Number A03P0239 HTML PDF [182 Kb]
11 August 2003 — Risk of Collision, NAV CANADA, Vancouver Area Control Centre - West Specialty, Port Hardy, British Columbia, 26 nm WReport Number A03P0244 HTML PDF [527 Kb]
17 August 2003 — Loss of Engine Power - Collision with Terrain, Gemini Helicopters Inc., Bell 204B (Helicopter) C-GEAP, Bonaparte Lake, British ColumbiaReport Number A03P0247 HTML PDF [2,367 Kb]
23 August 2003 — Navigational Error - Premature Descent, Air Canada, Airbus A319-114 C-FYKW, Vernon, British ColumbiaReport Number A03P0259 HTML PDF [158 Kb]
29 August 2003 — Collision With Terrain, de Havilland DHC-2 Mk. 1 C-GHAF, Penticton, British Columbia 11 nm NEReport Number A03P0265 HTML PDF [74 Kb]
03 September 2003 — Collision with Dock, West Coast Airlines Ltd., de Havilland DHC-6 100 (Twin Otter), C-FGQH, Vancouver Harbour, British ColumbiaReport Number A03P0268 HTML PDF [103 Kb]
11 September 2003 — Collision With Terrain, Wasaya Airways , Cessna 208B Caravan C-FKAB, Summer Beaver, OntarioReport Number A03H0002 HTML PDF [394 Kb]
16 September 2003 — Power Loss and Dynamic Rollover, Trans North Turbo Air Ltd., Bell 206B (Helicopter) C-GCHC, Mayo, Yukon Territory 80 nm NReport Number A03W0194 HTML PDF [77 Kb]
23 September 2003 — Controlled Flight into Terrain, Alta Flights (Charters) Inc., Cessna 414A C-GVZE, Calgary, Alberta 49 nm SWReport Number A03W0202 HTML PDF [201 Kb]
26 September 2003 — Runway Excursion, Partner Jet Inc., Gulfstream Aerospace LP Astra SPX C-GSSS, Toronto/Lester B. Pearson International Airport, Toronto, OntarioReport Number A03O0273 HTML PDF [216 Kb]
27 September 2003 — Controlled Flight into Terrain, Les Ailes de Gaspé inc., PA-31-310 C-FARL, Gaspé, QuebecReport Number A03Q0151 HTML PDF [91 Kb]
04 October 2003 — Loss of Control/Stall, Scenic Air Services Ltd., Piper PA-18-150 C-FIWV, Linda Lake, British ColumbiaReport Number A03W0210 HTML PDF [147 Kb]
09 October 2003 — Engine Power Loss and Forced Landing, Toronto Airways Limited, Cessna 172N C-GZLJ, Toronto/Buttonville Municipal Airport 2 nm SSEReport Number A03O0285 HTML PDF [361 Kb]
04 November 2003 — Elevator Control Restriction at Take-off, Air Canada Jazz, de Havilland DHC-8-102 C-GONJ, Ottawa/Macdonald-Cartier International Airport, Ottawa, OntarioReport Number A03O0302 HTML PDF [816 Kb]
06 November 2003 — Maintenance Error - In-Flight Fuel Leak, Air Canada, Airbus A330-300 C-GHKX, Vancouver International Airport, British ColumbiaReport Number A03P0332 HTML PDF [437 Kb]
16 December 2003 — Loss of Control After Take-Off, Huron Air & Outfitters Incorporated, de Havilland DHC-3 (Otter), C-GOFF, Jellicoe, OntarioReport Number A03O0341 HTML PDF [467 Kb]
These documents are the final versions of occurrence investigation reports as approved by the Transportation Safety Board. The TSB assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have been transmitted with the electronic versions. The printed versions of the documents stand as the official record.
Order reports by : Occurence Date Report Number
13 May 2002 — Cargo Bay Fire, Air Canada, Boeing 767-300 C-GHML, Toronto/Lester B. Pearson International, Airport, OntarioReport Number A02O0123 HTML PDF [298 Kb]
04 January 2002 — Operating Irregularity, Nav Canada, Communication Equipment Failure, Vancouver Area Control CentreReport Number A02P0004 HTML PDF [80 Kb]
08 January 2002 — Air Proximity - Risk of Collision, Between, Pacific Coastal Airlines, Shorts SD-3-60 C-GPCJ (PCO909), and Central Mountain Air, Beechcraft 1900D C-FCMR (GLR689), Campbell River, British ColumbiaReport Number A02P0007 HTML PDF [143 Kb]
17 January 2002 — Cabin Entertainment System Fire, Air Canada, Airbus A330-300 C-GFAF, Vancouver International Airport, British ColumbiaReport Number A02P0010 HTML PDF [40 Kb]
20 January 2002 — Collision with Terrain, Air Tuteurs ltée , Piper PA28-161 C-GBQY, Patapedia River Valley, New BrunswickReport Number A02Q0005 HTML PDF [184 Kb]
01 February 2002 — In-flight Engine Nose Dome Detachment, Westjet Airlines, Boeing 737-200 C-FAWJ, Abbotsford Airport, British ColumbiaReport Number A02P0021 HTML PDF [195 Kb]
14 February 2002 — Collision with Tree and Ground, Coastal Aviation Ltd., Cessna 172L, C-GFAL, Brookfield, Nova Scotia 10 nm ENEReport Number A02A0015 HTML PDF [38 Kb]
22 February 2002 — In-flight Engagement of Collective Lever Lock, Héli-Inter Inc., Eurocopter AS 350 BA C-FPOO, Val-d'Or Airport, QuebecReport Number A02Q0021 HTML PDF [157 Kb]
05 March 2002 — Operating Irregularity, Nav Canada Winnipeg Area Control Centre, La Ronge, Saskatchewan 33 nm NReport Number A02C0043 HTML PDF [210 Kb]
26 March 2002 — Loss of Control - Rotorcraft, Bighorn Helicopters Inc., Eurocopter AS350D C-FBHX, Blairmore, Alberta 12 nm NReport Number A02W0057 HTML PDF [39 Kb]
27 March 2002 — Runway Excursion, Air Canada Regional Airlines (JAZZ), Fokker F-28 MK 1000 C-FCRK, Saint John, New BrunswickReport Number A02A0038 HTML PDF [87 Kb]
08 April 2002 — Collision with Terrain, Valley B Aviation, Robinson R22 Beta Helicopter C-FVBG, Manning Alberta 20 nm WReport Number A02W0064 HTML PDF [139 Kb]
16 April 2002 — Runway Excursion, Perimeter Airlines (Inland) Ltd., Swearingen SA226-TC Metro II C-GIQF, Winnipeg, ManitobaReport Number A02C0072 HTML PDF [84 Kb]
18 April 2002 — Loss of Control and Collision with Terrain, Silverline Helicopters Inc., Schweizer 269C (300C) C-GGUV, SU34 Hare Field, OntarioReport Number A02O0105 HTML PDF [113 Kb]
25 April 2002 — Window Failure and Rapid Depressurization, Labrador Airways, Beech 1900 D C-GLHO, Stephenville, Newfoundland and Labrador, 38 nm ESEReport Number A02A0046 HTML PDF [39 Kb]
25 April 2002 — Risk of Collision, Nav Canada, Winnipeg Area Control Centre - Prince Albert Sector, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan 50 nm EReport Number A02C0079 HTML PDF [203 Kb]
09 May 2002 — Nose Down and Over on Take-off, Float-equipped Cessna 180F C-FQCF, Des Passes Lake, QuebecReport Number A02Q0054 HTML PDF [36 Kb]
18 May 2002 — Nose Landing Gear Actuator Failure, Voyageur Airways, Beechcraft King Air A100 (BE-10) C-GISH, North Bay Airport, OntarioReport Number A02O0131 HTML PDF [79 Kb]
20 May 2002 — Loss of Control and Collision With Terrain, Northern Air Support Ltd., Bell 206L4 C-FVEF (Helicopter), Three Valley Gap, British ColumbiaReport Number A02P0096 HTML PDF [285 Kb]
21 May 2002 — Seat Failure and Loss of Control, Bluenose Soaring Club, Schempp-Hirth KG Cirrus (Glider) C-GUIL, Stanley Airport, Nova ScotiaReport Number A02A0065 HTML PDF [120 Kb]
27 May 2002 — Engine Power Loss / Forced Landing, United States Department of the Interior, Cessna TU206F (Amphibious) N753, Swan River, ManitobaReport Number A02C0105 HTML PDF [73 Kb]
02 June 2002 — In-Flight Engine Fire / Forced Landing, Campbell Helicopters Ltd., Bell 205A-1 Helicopter C-FMQN, Tobin Lake, SaskatchewanReport Number A02C0114 HTML PDF [513 Kb]
06 June 2002 — VFR Flight Into Adverse Weather, Collision With Terrain, Cessna 182P Skylane C-GASB, Needle Peak, British ColumbiaReport Number A02P0109 HTML PDF [80 Kb]
11 June 2002 — Fuel Exhaustion - Collision With Terrain, Keystone Air Services Ltd., Piper PA 31-350 Navajo Chieftain C-GPOW, Winnipeg, ManitobaReport Number A02C0124 HTML PDF [84 Kb]
14 June 2002 — Tail strike on take-off and, Aircraft pitch-up on final approach, Air Canada, Airbus 330-343 C-GHLM, Frankfurt/Main Airport, GermanyReport Number A02F0069 HTML PDF [102 Kb]
19 June 2002 — Main Rotor Blade Failure, Helifor Industries Ltd., MD Helicopter Inc. 369D (Helicopter) C-GHFA, Kamloops, British ColumbiaReport Number A02P0126 HTML PDF [1,275 Kb]
20 June 2002 — Loss of Separation, NAV CANADA, Gander Area Control Centre, CYMON Sector, Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador 180 nm ENEReport Number A02A0079 HTML PDF [80 Kb]
27 June 2002 — Loss of Separation, Nav Canada, Edmonton Area Control Centre, Edmonton, Alberta 60 nm SReport Number A02W0115 HTML PDF [81 Kb]
28 June 2002 — Loss of Engine Power and Forced Landing, Blue Water Aviation Services, de Havilland DHC-2 Mk1 Beaver C-FEYQ, Sasaginnigak Lake, Manitoba 10 nm SReport Number A02C0143 HTML PDF [1,198 Kb]
29 June 2002 — Transwest Air Limited, Cessna A185F (Seaplane) C-GALM, Engemann Lake, SaskatchewanReport Number A02C0145 HTML PDF [86 Kb]
01 July 2002 — Aircraft Stall on Take-off, Regency Express Flight Operations, Cessna 172N C-GRIL, Boundary Bay Airport, British ColumbiaReport Number A02P0136 HTML PDF [88 Kb]
11 July 2002 — Drive Shaft Failure and Collision with Terrain, Helicopter Transport Services, Bell 205 C-FPAZ, Chitek Lake, SaskatchewanReport Number A02C0161 HTML PDF [76 Kb]
14 July 2002 — In-Flight Separation of Right Wing, Gilles Léger Super Chipmunk C-GLSC, Saint-Stanislas de Kostka, QuebecReport Number A02Q0098 HTML PDF [865 Kb]
07 August 2002 — Engine Power Loss, Transwest Helicopters Ltd., Bell 214B-1 (helicopter) C-GTWH, Smithers, British Columbia, 10 nm SReport Number A02P0168 HTML PDF [221 Kb]
08 August 2002 — Loss of Main Rotor Drive, Croman Corporation, Sikorsky S-61L (helicopter) N346AA, Wendle Creek, British ColumbiaReport Number A02P0169 HTML PDF [48 Kb]
15 August 2002 — Engine Power Loss - Component Failure, Western Aerial Applications Ltd., Eurocopter SA 315B Lama Helicopter C-GGHG, McBride, British Columbia 20 nm SReport Number A02P0179 HTML PDF [1,007 Kb]
18 August 2002 — Loss of Control/Collision With Ground, Canadian Helicopters, Bell Helicopter Textron 212 C-GDVG, Goose Bay, Newfoundland and LabradorReport Number A02A0098 HTML PDF [1,450 Kb]
25 August 2002 — Risk of Collision, NAV CANADA, Toronto Airport Control Tower, Toronto/Lester B. Pearson International Airport, Toronto, OntarioReport Number A02O0272 HTML PDF [106 Kb]
02 September 2002 — Engine Failure and Loss of Control, Mooney M20E C-FWII, Québec/Jean Lesage International Airport, QuebecReport Number A02Q0119 HTML PDF [81 Kb]
04 September 2002 — Collision with Terrain, Airco Aircraft Charters Ltd., Piper PA-34-220T (Seneca III) C-FRKZ, High Prairie, Alberta 07 nm SEReport Number A02W0173 HTML PDF [430 Kb]
07 September 2002 — Loss of Control and Collision with Terrain, Orillia Aviation Limited, Cessna 172P C-GNRJ, Lake St. John, Orillia, OntarioReport Number A02O0287 HTML PDF [406 Kb]
10 September 2002 — Runway Overrun, Arrow Air Incorporated, DC-8-63F N441J, Gander International Airport,, Newfoundland and LabradorReport Number A02A0107 HTML PDF [229 Kb]
11 September 2002 — Wheels-Up Landing, Prince Edward Air Inc., PA-31-350 (Navajo Chieftain), C-GYYJ, Halifax International Airport, Nova ScotiaReport Number A02A0108 HTML PDF [76 Kb]
11 September 2002 — Tail Rotor Drive Shaft Coupling Failure, Alpine Helicopters Ltd., Bell 212 C-FHDY, Pink Mountain, British Columbia 20 nm WReport Number A02W0178 HTML PDF [83 Kb]
18 September 2002 — Loss of Separation, Nav Canada, Toronto Area Control Centre, Toronto, Ontario 15 nm SEReport Number A02H0002 HTML PDF [86 Kb]
28 September 2002 — Collision with Terrain, Deraps Aviation Inc., De Havilland DHC-3 Otter C-FLGA, Natashquan, Quebec 57 nm NReport Number A02Q0130 HTML PDF [76 Kb]
15 October 2002 — Collision with Water, Prism Helicopters Limited, MD Helicopters 369D C-FLDW, Porcher Inlet, British ColumbiaReport Number A02P0256 HTML PDF [289 Kb]
17 October 2002 — Cockpit Fire - Precautionary Landing, Air France, Boeing 777-228ER F-GSPZ, Churchill, Manitoba 290 nm NEReport Number A02C0227 HTML PDF [165 Kb]
20 October 2002 — Engine Power Loss in Flight, Cathay Pacific Airways, Airbus A340-300 B-HXN, Timmins, Ontario 40 nm WReport Number A02P0261 HTML PDF [145 Kb]
24 October 2002 — Aircraft Difficult to Control, Jazz Air Inc., de Havilland DHC8-311 C-FACF, Toronto/Lester B. Pearson International Airport, Toronto, OntarioReport Number A02O0349 HTML PDF [284 Kb]
12 November 2002 — Gear-Up Landing, Canada Jet Charters Limited, Cessna Citation 550 C-GYCJ, Sandspit Airport, British ColumbiaReport Number A02P0290 HTML PDF [42 Kb]
20 November 2002 — Risk of Collision, NAV CANADA, Vancouver Control Tower, Vancouver, British ColumbiaReport Number A02P0299 HTML PDF [455 Kb]
07 December 2002 — Roll Oscillations on Landing , Air Canada, Airbus A321-211, C-GJVX and C-GIUF, Toronto/Lester B. Pearson International Airport,, OntarioReport Number A02O0406 HTML PDF [106 Kb]
16 December 2002 — Loss of Engine Power / Collision with Tree, Hayes Helicopter Services Limited, Sikorsky S-61N (Shortsky) Helicopter C-FHHD, Lake Errock, British ColumbiaReport Number A02P0320 HTML PDF [258 Kb]
Sunday, May 24, 2009
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1 comment:
There is a culture at the Buttonville Airport that permeates to all levels of their operations and with complicity from ATC, where like drivers with road rage, pilots at Buttonville target local residents (in particular those that are not friendly to the airport) with low noisy flights. Though the Buttonville Control Zone requires all flights to be at or above 1650’ for Noise Abatement and safety, these flights are done at high speeds below 1000’ AGL (that may include feathering the prop angles) to maximize noise. I hope that the investigation shows this latest accident from Seneca was not participating in these games, unfortunately the investigation so far shows that the crash was at high speed and the aircraft was flying below 1000’ AGL (as witnesses have said).
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